Family Pictures
How many times have you been to a dinner, social event or even a family reunion when someone asks if you have current pictures of the family? This happened to me a while back. I had to admit that I didn’t have any current pictures in my wallet.
A bright idea
I decided to take my advice in my blog capture your ideas, so I brought up notepad and added the following note “todo: update picture collection in wallet” Before I was finished typing in the note, it occured to me this is kind of silly.
- Your phone has a camera right?
- Your phone can display pictures right?
- Are you ever without your phone?
- Most people in general, as American Express would say, “never leave home without it.”
Take your Family Album Mobile
Here are some ideas for your Mobile Famly Album
- Sources of pictures
- use pre-existing images, usually jpg
- scan photos
- scale them when necessary to fit your phone resolution
- Take pictures with your built-in camera
- Picture ideas
- Your significant other
- You with your significant other
- Your family members
- Your Grandparents
- Your Parents
- Your Children
- Your Grandchildren
- Your Siblings
- Nieces & Nephews
- Your Aunts & Uncles
- Your cousins
- Your Pets
- Don’t forget your future family members too
Why didn’t I think of this a long time ago?
Till next time, “todo: update Mobile Family Album”