8GB Sandisk Cruzer
The other day, I received an email requesting me to download some files for a special presentation. I figured there would be no problem. I could copy the files to my trusty 128MB flash drive and be done with it. Unfortunately, the combined sizes of the 2 videos reached 163MB. Needless to say, my poor flash drive was not up to the task. It stopped halfway through the file transfer. I had to find another solution. Did I mention this happened on Black Friday? The Deal
It turns out that there was a special on flash drives on Friday. The special was all day, not just during the “Door-buster” time window when they give you a few hours to make your purchases in order to get the deal. I wasn’t planning on shopping on Black Friday. I didn’t want to deal with the insane crowds and extremely long lines. But, since, I needed a larger flash drive and I didn’t have to fight the crowds and the price was so affordable, I finally decided to take advantage of this deal.
As I mentioned yesterday, my wife and I supported our local Waffle house while I waited for the “Door-buster” time to expire. I figured the crowds would eventually disperse and shopping would return to a semi-normal state.
The Search
It took a little while to find the little guy. I had to make sure it was the right one. There was a similar 8GB -Sandisk Cruzer model. But it was more than what I wanted to pay. After a little searching, I finally found it. It rang up as $14. Can you imagine? $14 for an 8GB flash drive. I am still amazed by this deal.
As I started using it in my computer, it easily handled the video files I copied over. They took up less than 2% of the drive’s capacity. After copying over all the other files from my old flash drive it only took up 355MB or less than 5% of it’s capacity. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all this room. 😉 I’m sure it will be filled up quicker than I think.
Photograph: By Wes Johnson using my DIY Macro Photo Studio 1.1.1.