Wes hiking at Lake Chabot
Today two of my kids and I went hiking at Lake Chabot. Last time you will remember, my wife and I had a few issues with our hiking journey. This time, I was a little more prepared. I wore better socks. I had the moleskin, but I didn’t have to use it this time. I brought a time source and a camera. One interesting note about bringing my camera, while I was watching one of my favorite shows rocketboom.com there was a video clip about what’s in your tech bag there was a reference to putting your camera in a sock. I thought this was a great idea, so I protected my camera this trip with an old sock. We left the marina around 1pm, we took the same trails as I did last time. East Shore Trail to Lake Chabot East Shore along Honker Bay Trail. We arrived at the family campsites on the ridge a little after 2pm we stopped and ate and rested for a while, then we returned via Huck’s Trail and back along the East Shore Trail. We arrived back at the Marina around 4pm.

Lake Chabot East Shore
It sure seems like the return trip was quicker for some reason. I can’t think of any issues this time, except for maybe a tripod to take more group pictures with. I will bring this along with me next time.