Mouse and Bob
A few months ago we had some kittens abandoned in our backyard. The mother was nowhere to be found, so we sprang into action. We took care of those kittens.
We bottle fed them, until they could eat solid food.
We washed them and helped them learn how to go potty. Sorry about the potty language.
I don’t know if these are typical kitten traits, but this is what I’ve noticed.
A few observations about kittens:
- They inspire older cats to play like kittens again
- They share their love as soon as they see you
- Their love is unconditional
- They are full of energy
- They learn quckly to submit to authority – we have a few older cats
- They are curious about everything
- They are easily entertained by anything
- They are fearless
- They love to play

Bob strikes a pose
Yes, Bob has a short tail. She was born that way.
Till next time, I’ll be cuddling with Bob.