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Category Archives: Blog
An elevator speech for my blog
The first exercise in 31 Days to Build a Better Blog is to write an elevator speech for my blog. This has been a little challenging for me because I never though of trying to describe my blog to someone in … Continue reading
Expanding my horizons with 31DBBB
Familiarity breeds contempt – an idiom that basically says, the better you know something, the less you respect it. A simple example is like when you first learn that knives are sharp, you’re very careful not to cut yourself. After … Continue reading
No more PUI (Posting Under the Influence)
Yesterday I thought I had written a great post about where I was going with my WordPress powered blog. In my minds eye I knew exactly what I was saying. I thought I had written a complete post. The problem was that I … Continue reading
WordPress in my future
During my first 100 posts, I have been getting used to the routine of blogging. I have been mainly focused on the content and not worrying about the presentation. I have been kind of taken for granted the software called WordPress. … Continue reading
Your Web Presence – Is it unique or generic?
A big part of Personal Marketing is promotion. As you may have read in “Personal Marketing (Promotion)” I suggest that part of promoting yourself involves posting to a blog or participation in forums and commenting on blogs. As you start … Continue reading