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Category Archives: Blog
Old fashioned networking with a twist
During the quest for expanding my Social Networking opportunities, I have come across an interesting website called meetup.com This is a meeting place where people from all over the world can meetup with other people with similar interests. The interesting thing … Continue reading
5 action items to help you be a project finisher
Have you ever started a project and failed to finish it? Many times you think you have great explanations for why you have not completed your projects. The truth is most of these explanations are really excuses. This post is … Continue reading
6 Facebook tasks to reclaim your time
Facebook has helped many people get back in touch with old friends and colleagues. It helps us keep up to date on family news. I don’t hate Facebook. I just think some aspects of Facebook has taken over our lives. … Continue reading
7 ways to find more time
Many of us are strapped for time. We all start out like everyone else with 24 hours to spend. Some of us, just happen to stretch our schedules to the breaking point by trying to squeeze every ounce of productivity we … Continue reading
8 questions and answers about Twitter
The other day, I received a question regarding how all this Twitter stuff works. I spent a little time explaining the concepts and then decided that I should write a blog about it. I’m sure everyone would like to hear … Continue reading