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Category Archives: Blog
Google Calendar saved my Farm
The other day I wrote a post titled “Google Calendar does SMS Reminders.” I was excited about setting up events and letting Google Calendar remind you via text message at predetermined times before the event occurs. I really love the fact that you … Continue reading
Google Calendar does SMS Reminders
You have a lots of appointments to keep. You need something to help you remember when to leave for your next appointment. Wouldn’t it be great if you got a text message that told you about a meeting coming up? Google … Continue reading
Safe Social Networking and Computer Policies
I frequently receive questions regarding the safety of social networking. There are reports of social network users’ computers getting infected by computer viruses, etc. These incidents are often related to correspondence about the social network in emails I just want to address … Continue reading
How to: Create pdf files for FREE from digitized images and Word docs
A while back, when applying online for a job. I had to submit digitized career documentation. It was all online, No paper anything. Not only did they want the documents in digital format, they wanted them in pdf format. At the time, I didn’t … Continue reading
How to: Get a digitized image on Google Docs
You have paper letter of recommendation. You or your techie friend used a scanner or one of those multi-function printer/FAX/Copier/Scanner machines to scan the dcoument to a jpeg file on your USB Flash drive. You wanted to upload the image file to Google Docs, so you go through … Continue reading