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Category Archives: Blog
Step out of your comfort zone in 2010
Employment-wise 2009 was an uncomfortable year for lots of people. It seems like either someone was unemployed or they knew someone that was unemployed. Everybody knows at least one person that was effected by the recession. Many were thrown into circumstances … Continue reading
New Year’s Resolution accountability
This year you decided to make a few new year’s resolutions. One of them might have been to be a better time manager or to get organized. My question to you is how are you going to keep on track? … Continue reading
Tip: Job Searching Tools
While watching one of the latest Tekzilla shows I learned about an information searching tool called Tink O Matic http://www.tinkomatic.com/
Video: Power Job Hunting (must watch)
While searching for information on the internet, I came across this video on Job Hunting. The title is “Power Job Hunting – Toolkit for finding Work or Changing Jobs in Turbulent Times” – www.pennenergyjobs.com/video/john_sumser/
Poll: (2010) Twenty-Ten, Two-thousand-Ten, or Ten?
I have already written this year’s date a few times this year. Today I wrote it as 1/5/10. The other day I wrote 1/2/2010. But the question for many people is how to pronounce the year. Is it Twenty-Ten, Two-thousand-Ten … Continue reading