Painting the interior walls of a house for some people is a very tedious job. Just thinking about all the tasks that need to be completed can be tiring.
- Preparation work. Removing wall switch and outlet covers, patching holes, removing blinds, drapes, and applying blue tape around the edges, purchasing and mixing paint.
- Detailed paint work. Careful application of paint around the edges and corners.
- Large surface areas. Broad painting strokes to maximize paint coverage.
- Touch-up work. Depending on the size of the paint job and the coverage of the paint, there seems to always be a few spots that need an extra application of paint.
- Finally, comes all the cleanup. Making sure that everything is finished. Not only everything is cleaned up but that the everything is restored to its proper place.
A daunting list to tackle alone. But, what if another helps to share the load.
When working as a team on a project, you might find that members have a preference for a specific kind of work. This works out quite nicely when other members dislike a particular aspect of the work. It’s even better when these tasks are complementary of each other.
When a group works together on different parts of the same project, it seems like the energy level of each member seems to double or triple because they feed on each member’s effort and encouragement. Individual contributors will not tire as quickly. Before they know it, the project has been completed.
If it weren’t for teamwork, the project might not be completed or would have taken twice as long. Make sure each member of the team is recognized for their contributions to the project’s successful completion.