If you have any kind of digital presence on the internet, you have probably experienced SPAM or PHISHING emails. Those unwanted emails that never seem to go away.
A few months ago, my email boxes were so full, I was seriously considering abandoning my email address and starting all over.
The only problem with that plan was I have had my favorite email for over a decade. It’s part of my identity. Can you imagine how disruptive it would be?
I have tried a few different paid filters that run locally on my computer, but the SPAM emails seemed to always evolve and sneak through the filters.
Finally, I had enough. I needed something that would filter obvious SPAM and PHISHING emails before my computer saw them.
I spent many hours researching SPAM filtering services. I finally decided on trying out a spam blocker called at MXGuarddog.com.
So far, I have been happy with my choice.
Here are a few notes about my experience
- You need to be in control of your Domains DNS settings because you’ll be routing your email through MXGuarddog.com servers.
- After the account has been setup, you choose which emails you want to filter.
- You choose how aggressive you want the filtering to be.
- If there are emails that slip through you send email with the SPAM email attached to MXGuarddog.com for them to learn what you consider SPAM.
- Each email receives its own Quarantine report. You can decide to release message from quarantine or release and whitelist the sender.
- You can also set the Quarantine Report frequency.
So far, I am pretty impressed. My emails have become manageable again. I feel like I’ve regained my life.