What does your email address say about you?

SomeGuy@hotmail.com or SomeGal@hotmail.com  just sent you an email.  Why should you trust them?  AnyPerson@yahoo.com or AnIndividual@gmail.com could create an email at any time.  Most of the time there is not even an authentication process to verify that they are who they say they are.  If you visit a website and click on the contact email, what are your expectations? How does the email address affect your trust level?

Professional image

Maybe it’s just me but I consider it risky to use public email domains for conducting business instead of a company’s domain.

Why would a company want their employees to represent them using emails from public domains like Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail?  If your company email address is not using your domain name, ask yourself why?  Your customers are probably asking the same question.

If you have a business now & you’re not using your domain name, you might want to at least have your customers contact you using a form on your website.  At least, their first impression of your company will not be affected by your choice of email delivery method.

Personal image

Do you want potential business partners, customers or employers to take you seriously?  Have you taken a look at your email address lately?  What does it say about who you are?  If you sent an email to someone you didn’t know, would they look at it or discount it as more junk mail.  Have your professional friends evaluate your email address.  Some of you should take a second look at the message you’re sending out to others.

What mental image are you presenting to others?

Whether you like it or not, you are broadcasting a message to everyone you communicate with.  Does your company email use the company domain name or are they using a free public domain?  Is your personal email professional?  How many potential networking opportunities are you discarding by being stubborn? What are your thoughts?

About Wes Johnson

Wes Johnson is a software engineer with extensive experience developing desktop applications. He has also developed firmware for consumer electronics and OEM boards. His experties is C and C++ programming.
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2 Responses to What does your email address say about you?

  1. Monique Casara says:

    Email addresses are like old worn and comfortable shoes. They are convenient and available. Perhaps it would help your readers to know how simple it is to get a new or more professional email address.

    • mrwes says:

      You’re right. Some people probably have the same email they had that their kids setup for them many years ago. I’ll have to write a blog post on how to create new ones.

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